The Power in Black Heart Youths

For those who are able to travel throughout these 700 islands that we call The Bahamas there are two things which are obvious: there is a lot of natural beauty alongside a lot of underdevelopment. 
We have pink sand, crystal blue waters and light from the sun which at times can feel like vitamin to the body. 
However, we have many roads, highways, bridges, harbours, airports, space stations, schools, hospitals, research institutes, commercial centres, theatres, stadiums and museums that need to be built for our people. 
In The Bahamas, we also have something that is referred to as youth violence; where it is reported that young people are involved in a self destructive way of life which only brings about imprisonment and death to their communities and to The Nation. 
Therefore, in this country it is clear to everyone that we have a lot of work to do to build a Nation, and at the same time we have young people who are busying themselves with destructive work. 
This is a contradiction.This contradiction is not only national or regional; it is essentially a global contradiction that has to be resolved.
Malcolm X and Walter Rodney saw this contradiction and they spoke to it. They were both African revolutionaries who struck a chord with young people. 
Malcolm X was invited by student groups, white and black, to speak at universities in the United States and throughout Africa. After speaking to young people on the Mother-Land he was given the name "Omawale" which means "the child has returned ". Malcolm X told young people that Black people in the West had been taught to hate themselves because they had been taught to hate Africa, and that in order to love themselves they would have to learn to love "the root" which is Africa. Malcolm X built the Organization of Afro American Unity and he inspired the young brothers and sisters who formed the Black Panther Party. Malcolm X was also revered amongst the young people in Ireland. 
Walter Rodney spoke to young people throughout Europe, Africa and the Caribbean. When Rodney went to Jamaica he spoke to young people at the University of The West Indies and he "grounded" with the brothers and sisters in the Rastafarian Movement. Rodney talked to young people about how Europe, through a predatory and parasitic relationship, was responsible for the underdevelopment of Africa and African people. He told young people that way before the coming of the white man to Africa, African people had created societies based on human solidarity, respect for elders, women in leadership and respect for culture. Walter Rodney was banned from speaking in Jamaica. The students protested and this sparked a Black Power Movement in Jamaica that was felt throughout the Caribbean.
In Guyana, where Rodney was born, Rodney built the Working People's Alliance, a socialist revolutionary organization aimed at uniting all workers, including the African and Indians youths, into a force to win political power. 
Malcolm X and Walter Rodney were not dreamers. They were revolutionaries. They both recognized the "By Any Means Necessary" power within young people. 
They also knew that White Power is aware of this power too. This is the same power that is manipulated and used to conquer foreign nations and to destabilize working class and poor communities. 
Capitalism or the White World was built on the genocide of the Indigenous people and the enslavement of Africa and African people. This parasitic process dispersed African people all over the world; and in order to maintain this global oppression, it became necessary to make black people hate Africa, themselves and any and everything that is associated with Africa and the color Black. 
Capitalism has spent 700 years trying to make African people hate Africa and themselves.
Malcolm X and Walter Rodney understood this and they aimed to reverse these conditions. They wanted to kill white hate with Black Love. 
They did not judge or demonize young people. 
They both realized that everywhere they went they met young people, inside and outside of universities, who were thirsty for knowledge about Africa and the world. 
They also recognized the fact there is a lot of hate in the world and that young people have the energy within them to change things. 
Under capitalism, young people feel like they were born an F student and they have to work their way up to become an A student. 
For Malcolm X and Walter Rodney, it was necessary to teach and remind young people that their natural grade point average is an "A" because they came from Africa. The richest continent on planet earth. 
The key to development is to teach young people to Love Africa.
To stop the capitalist killing, we have to focus on building socialist unity in African people. 
Malcolm X and Walter Rodney were both trying to organize this "dangerous" power within Black Heart Youths to change the world. 
Malcolm X and Walter Rodney were both assassinated. 
Join the African People's Socialist Party.
Build for African Liberation Day 2022. 
One Africa! One Nation!

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